Solving Concurrency Issues with PostgreSQL Advisory Locks

In my daily work, I encountered a common challenge in distributed systems: race conditions during concurrent database operations. One specific instance of this issue involved generating events, where simultaneous requests could lead to data inconsistencies.

Here’s a simplified version of my initial implementation that was susceptible to race conditions:

export module EventService {
  type ListParams = {
    schedule_id: string;
    start_date: string;
    end_date: string;

  export async function list(params: ListParams) {
    // Fetch schedule from which events are generated
    const schedule = await ScheduleRepo.get({
      schedule_id: params.schedule_id,

    // Generate events if not already generated
    if (schedule.generated_to < params.end_date) {
      // Call the function defined below
      await generate({
        generate_to: params.end_date,

    // List the events if they are already generated
    await EventRepo.list(params);

  export async function generate(/* … */) {
    /* Generate events in the transaction */

Using PostgreSQL Advisory Locks

Why PostgreSQL Advisory Locks?

When faced with this concurrency issue, I wanted to avoid introducing a new service or complicating my architecture just to handle this problem.

I discovered that PostgreSQL, my database of choice, offers a built-in locking mechanism I could leverage. This discovery was ideal because it allowed me to solve the problem using a tool I already had in place, without adding any new dependencies or services to the stack. PostgreSQL provides various locking functions.

Understanding pg_try_advisory_xact_lock

For my specific use case, the pg_try_advisory_xact_lock function proved to be the most suitable:

pg_advisory_lock locks an application-defined resource, which can be identified either by a single 64-bit key value or two 32-bit key values (note that these two key spaces do not overlap). If another session already holds a lock on the same resource identifier, this function will wait until the resource becomes available. The lock is exclusive. Multiple lock requests stack, so that if the same resource is locked three times it must then be unlocked three times to be released for other sessions’ use.


pg_try_advisory_lock is similar to pg_advisory_lock, except the function will not wait for the lock to become available. It will either obtain the lock immediately and return true, or return false if the lock cannot be acquired immediately.


pg_try_advisory_xact_lock works the same as pg_try_advisory_lock, except the lock, if acquired, is automatically released at the end of the current transaction and cannot be released explicitly.

This function allows me to:

  1. Acquire a lock using a specific key
  2. Determine if a lock is already acquired, and exit the transaction early if it is
  3. Automatically release the lock at the end of the transaction

Here’s an example of using the function in a transaction:


-- Returns true if the lock was acquired
-- After the transaction ends, the lock is released
-- We can throw an error if the lock was not acquired, to quit the transaction
SELECT pg_try_advisory_xact_lock(1234);

UUID to BigInt Conversion

One problem I encountered was that pg_try_advisory_xact_lock needs a bigint as a key, but I use UUIDs which are too large to fit into a bigint. To solve this, I devised a way to hash the UUID and use the first 16 bytes as the key. Here’s what my SQL looks like:

SELECT pg_try_advisory_xact_lock(
  ('x' || substr(md5(/** uuid here */), 1, 16))::bit(64)::bigint

While this solution effectively addresses my immediate problem, it’s important to consider potential drawbacks, such as the theoretical possibility of hash collisions. Despite this minor concern, for my use case, this approach strikes a good balance between solving the concurrency issue and maintaining simplicity in my codebase.


I use Kysely to generate the SQL and execute it in a transaction. Here’s how I implemented the locking mechanism:

First, I created a utility function that takes a UUID and the Kysely transaction and tries to acquire a lock for the given UUID.

import { Transaction, sql } from "kysely";

export async function getPostgresLockForUuid(
  uuid: string,
  trx: Transaction<DB>,
): Promise<{ lock_acquired: boolean }> {
  // Creates a lock for the given UUID
  const result = await sql<{
    pg_try_advisory_xact_lock: boolean;
  }>`SELECT pg_try_advisory_xact_lock(
      ('x' || substr(md5(${uuid}), 1, 16))::bit(64)::bigint

  // Default to locked to catch any issues
  const lock_acquired = result.rows[0]?.pg_try_advisory_xact_lock ?? false;

  return { lock_acquired };

I then updated the EventService to utilize this new function. Instead of waiting for the lock to be released and retrying, I throw an error if the lock cannot be acquired. This approach works well with my API client’s automatic retry mechanism.

export module EventService {
  // […]

  export async function generate(params: {
    /* … */
  }) {
    await kysely.transaction.execute(async (trx) => {
      const { lock_acquired } = await getPostgresLockForUuid(,

      if (!lock_acquired) {
        throw new Error("Could not acquire lock");

      // … Code for generating events


In this post, I shared how I solved a tricky problem with database operations occurring simultaneously. By using PostgreSQL’s advisory locks, I found a simple way to prevent race conditions without complicating my system.

While this approach worked well for my specific case, it’s important to remember that every situation is different. Always consider your unique requirements and potential trade-offs when implementing a solution like this.

If you’re facing similar challenges with concurrent operations in your database, consider giving PostgreSQL advisory locks a try. They might just be the straightforward solution you’re looking for!

Happy coding!